News and Announcements
See Aviv Analytical's representation in future international meetings below
Aviv Analytical current emphasis is to offer service analysis and the sales of its TAMI software
Aviv Analytical offers its service for the analysis of challenging samples and applications while also selling its TAMI software for the provision of accurate elemental formula from quadrupole data, utilizing both improved mass accuracy and Isotope Abundance Analysis.
March 2021, Tel Aviv Israel
TAMI Molecule Identification Software Ver. 4.73 is compatible with Advion's CMS LC-MS
Aviv Analytical is proud to announce that the TAMI software is now compatible with Advion’s CMS LC-MS data. TAMI was successfully tested, and was found to provide accurate elemental compositions, utilizing both improved mass accuracy and Isotope Abundance Analysis. Read more on TAMI and experience it first-hand for free - find more here
May 2018, Tel Aviv Israel
TAMI Molecule Identification Software Ver. 4.7 is compatible with Thermo ISQ
The molecule identification software, TAMI, was upgraded to version 4.7. This new TAMI version is fully compatible with Thermo's ISQ GC-MS system using Chromeleon or Xcalibur. On this system, as well as on others (such as Agilent's GC-MS), TAMI proved to be the best software tool for the identification of unknowns and provision of elemental formulae from single quad data, while also providing an enhanced identification for known compounds. Read more on TAMI and experience it first-hand for free – find more here
September 2017, Tel Aviv Israel
LC-MS with Cold-EI is now available
Aviv Analytical is proud to introduce its much anticipated Electron Ionization LC-MS with Supersonic Molecular Beams (Cold-EI). This novel Electron ionization LC-MS provides automated library identification and extensive fragment information which are ideally suitable for LC-MS identification of unknown compounds. In addition, the complete elimination of matrix ion suppression effects facilitates faster analysis and the EI uniform ionization yields (unlike ESI/APCI/APPI) enables sample semi-quantitative determination without identification, standards preparation and calibration. All these benefits are provided in a robust and easy to use system. More details on the Aviv Analytical EI-LC-MS with SMB can be found here
October 2015, Tel Aviv Israel
Fast GC is now available
Aviv Analytical is proud to introduce its Fast GC. This novel (USA patent 8,591,630) Fast GC device converts standard GC into an ultra fast GC with analysis cycle times of under one minute. The Aviv Analytical Fast GC can be operated with the broadest range of any fused silica capillary column, at the lowest cost of its columns, and with easy method based Fast GC - standard GC operation mode change. More details on the Aviv Analytical Fast GC can be found here
April 2015, Tel Aviv Israel
Open Probe Fast GC-MS is now available
Aviv Analytical is proud to introduce its Open Probe Fast GC-MS. This revolutionary device combines real time analysis with ultra fast 30 s GC separation and library identification including at the isomer level. Unlike all other ambient ionization techniques it provides relatively uniform compound independent response and is operated on your lower cost MS of GC-MS. Open Probe Fast GC-MS is very easy to use, just touch the sample (with a melting point vial, without any sample preparation), insert it into the Open Probe, push the start button and get the results in 30 seconds. More details on the Aviv Analytical Fast GC can be found here
December 2014, Tel Aviv Israel
TAMI Molecule Identification Software Ver. 4 is available
Aviv Analytical is proud to introduce its Version 4 of the Tal-Aviv Molecule Identifier (TAMI) software. TAMI V4 improves the mass accuracy of quadrupole MS and combines it with isotope abundance analysis and NIST library searches to provide an easy to use software for best GC-MS sample identification capabilities. TAMI brings the merit of costly accurate mass TOF GC-MS performance in the provision of elemental formula in affordable single quad GC-MS systems. More details on TAMI can be found here
August 2014, Tel Aviv Israel
Pulsed Flow Modulation GCxGC-MS with Cold EI
Aviv Analytical is proud to introduce its Pulsed Flow Modulation GCxGC-MS with Cold EI. The Aviv Analytical PFM-GCxGC-MS with Cold EI uniquely combines improved GC separation with ultimate sample identification power of Cold EI. More details can be found here
October 2013, Tel Aviv Israel
New Advanced GC-MS Blog is On the Air
Aviv Analytical launched its new Advanced GC-MS Blog journal. This blog serves for sharing advanced GC-MS techniques, instruments, methods, applications and opinions. It is aimed for those who are passionate about Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry and wish to learn about recent advances in GC-MS as well as to share with others their recent achievements and interesting findings. The Blog can be viewed at blog.avivanalytical.com
August 2012, Tel Aviv Israel
TAMI Molecule Identification Software Ver. 3 is available
Aviv Analytical is proud to introduce its new version 3 of the Tal-Aviv Molecule Identifier software (TAMI, previously IAA). TAMI brings the merit of costly accurate mass TOF GC-MS performance in the provision of elemental formula in affordable single quad GC-MS systems. More details on TAMI can be found here
June 2012, Tel Aviv Israel
ChromatoProbe Sample Introduction Device
Aviv Analytical is proud to inform that its ChromatoProbe technology was licensed by Professor Aviv Amirav to Agilent Technologies, Bruker and FLIR (It is also available in an automated form by ATAS-GL) and thus it is on its way to become an industry standard.
December 2011, Tel Aviv Israel
GC-MS with Cold EI is now available
Aviv Analytical is proud to introduce its flagship product 5975-SMB GC-MS with Cold-EI. The system represents the world most advanced GC-MS technology that significantly improves both routine and challenging applications analysis. For more information please read 5975-SMB Supersonic GC-MS
February 9, 2010, Tel Aviv Israel
Aviv Analytical representation in future international meetings
ASMS in Philadelphia PA USA, October 31 - November 4 2021
Isranalytica in Tel Aviv, Israel, January 2022
Pittcon 2022 in Atlanta GA, USA, March 6-10 2022